Bringing Medicines to school
Non prescribed Medicines
Staff are not permitted to administer non prescribed medication such as paracetamol to students without consent from parents/carers. Parents must complete the ‘Administration of Medicines’ form. Medication must be provided in its original packaging. A record will be kept each time medication is administered and a member of staff will notify the parent/carer.
Aspirin is not permitted unless it has been prescribed by medical practitioner.
Some medicines may be taken on educational visits however this should be discussed and agreed with the School Trip Co-ordinator prior to the trip.
Prescribed Medicines
Medicines should only be brought to school when essential; that is where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if the medicine were not to be administered during the school day.
Staff may administer prescription medicines, although there is no statutory or contractual duty for them to do this. Parents must complete the ‘Administration of Medicines’ form which is available from the School Office.
Medicines must be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instructions. This will include:
- • Name of child.
- • Name of medicine.
- • Dose (in some conditions this may vary on a daily basis).
- • Method of administration.
- • Time/frequency of administration.
- • Any side effects.
- • Expiry date.
For more information please refer to our full Medicine Policy on our policy page